Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Week 11 Vocabulary Review

Per usual on Wednesday, I'll be doing a vocabulary slideshow quiz, with cats too! Here's a link to the full-size show. You can use this as a way to see how much of the vocabulary you are retaining; there's an English prompt and also some Latin sayings to help jiggle your memory. The next slide will tell you if you are correct! And if you want to review the notes and translation for a saying, you can use the Sayings list or Dictionary, which both have links to the original posts. And remember, always read out loudYou learn languages with your EARS, not your eyes. 

If you need to be retaining more vocabulary, you can think of what forms of engagement benefit you most: reading out loud, writing things out by hand, making flashcards, using the audio for dictation, etc. etc. Try out different strategies, and then you'll discover what works best for you.

And here are just a few of the cats from the slides: 

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