Today is a catch-up day to review any lesson(s) you missed this past week and/or to work on whatever kind of practice is most useful to you. Make sure you feel comfortable with all the verbs... and there are more verbs coming next week!
Here are the lessons from this week, plus previous weeks... and of course there's a random cat below. :-)
Here's a new game you might want to try: anagrams! These are all the new sayings from this week with their letters jumbled! Tip: read through the whole sentence and see which word you immediately recognize. That will help you to un-jumble the other words.
- Oamr sagtemir tse uspomit.
- Csiumde turca, turaan saant.
- Ohmo uuhms, amaf muufs, iifsn insci.
- Ima sdtuote tvloa.
- Ehiandb copiud eixepilnelb iudolm.
- Tancieis mxmiuam tiave ecdus.
- Iln niis eunstv moho tes.
- Paetrtas rose quma auuqmmn.
- Maucs ntcea onn avcota.
- Mmuoipt ecantedmmimu esiqu.
- Raluuct miain aiholihopps set.
- Ganam tse vsi ruia.
- Sived nsuima ets, onn raca.
- Ranaitgoin gesil onn suxecat.
- Dxu nivevid atanur tse.
- Saettarp uailqdi qmua ihiln.
- Aulqe nmese, lsait ets ssmies.
- Vearisbt ldetceta.
- Auqils xgre, tasil exr.
- Eflix iqu fpcaicusi.
I also made a printable crossword PDF with this week's sayings as the prompts. Screenshots below. I hope you will like the way the crossword puzzle gives you some hints as you try to supply the missing word.
Here's the random cat:
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